1. General Rules
a. 1-2 players per side (singles/Doubles)
b. Competitors agree on course layout (Terra Formations, Terrain)
c. A player’s turn consists of throwing all available balls towards opponent(s) scoring area.
d. Players alternate turns.
e. Pocket/hole position can be moved after opponent's turn.
f. Multiple balls permitted to be in motion during turn or throw.
g. Objective: Accumulate points.
h. Win Game (Tally Score to agreed upon Total (30,50,100pts, etc.)
i. Option to switch sides after game. (set play)
j. Option to change course setup in event of tie or after completion of game.
a. 7:1 – “Original Game” - 7 small (snooker) balls (2 1/8” 52.5mm), 1 “Terra Ball” (3”)
i. Variations:
1. 1 Pocket
a. 1 ball + any hole size = 1 pt (Race to 10, etc)
2. 2 Pocket
a. 1 small ball + large hole = 1pt
b. 1 large ball + small hole = 5pt
c. 1 Terra ball + large hole = 5pt
d. 1 Terra ball + small hole = 15pt
3. 3 Pocket
a. 1 small ball + large hole = 1pt
b. 1 small ball + medium hole = 3pt
c. 1 small ball + small hole = 5pt
d. 1 Terra Ball + large hole = 5pt
e. 1 Terra Ball + medium hole = 10pt
f. 1 Terra Ball + small hole = 15pt
4. 4 Pocket+
a. Tbd
b. 4:3:1 - 4 small, 3 medium (carom) balls (2 7/16” 68mm), 1 Terra Ball
i. Scoring (simplified) - 2 “pocket” hole option
1. Small/med ball + large hole = 1pt
2. Small/med ball + small hole = 5pt
3. TerraBall + large hole = 5pt
4. TerraBall + small hole = 15pt
c. Runout
i. Only play with a certain number of balls. Balls left in the pocket when scored. Pockets cannot be moved during game. Tally points when all shots have been thrown out, and there are no more balls in the playing space.
d. 3 Ball
i. No trap in scoring area.
ii. 1 ball = 1 point, etc, etc,
iii. Pockets can be moved after opponent turn.
e. User Generated Variations